In the spring of 2019, a few of us who create science fiction for our podcasts got to know each other online, thanks to Castjunkie’s outstanding Discord community.

In one of our Discord discussions, somebody (okay, it was Shannon Perry of OZ-9) said something like “Wow, imagine a live performance of (one of our shows).”
And somebody else said, “Yeah, or (a different show)!”

Then Eddie Louise of Sage and Savant said, “We’ve done live shows and they were awesome! We can show you how!” And somebody else said, “Hey, several of us are in Seattle! Let’s find a Seattle venue and book a date!”

But then other voices cried out, “But wait — the rest of us are not on the West Coast!”

“Yeah,” said some others. “Trying to get us all together, from all over the continent, just for one evening is wildly impractical and possibly insane!”

Well, once we’d identified the idea as “wildly impractical and potentially insane,” we were all on board.

We set up an Indiegogo campaign to raise the money we’d need to get enough people to Seattle to perform all six shows —

— and Lee Shackleford of Relativity suggested the name “WiFiSciFi” for the group and the event —

— and we agreed we wanted to write entirely new and unique episodes of each of our shows, just for this event — so the people who would come to “WiFiSciFi LIVE” would not only see us as well as hear us, they’d also experience episodes of these shows that have never been heard before.

The Seattle contingent secured a deal with Copious, knowing it would be the coolest place to host our show. And that’s where the show is gonna be, just as soon as our microscopic adversaries will allow it.

Which is all well and good if you can travel to that venue at that time, but what if you love any or all of these shows and can’t be in our live audience? And you really, really want to hear these unreleased extras, these exclusive episodes we’ve created just for this event?

You’re in luck!

Actual recording will not be on vinyl. We just thought this was more attractive than any representation of a download!

We plan to record these performances (audio for certain and we are hoping for video!) and if you join our Indiegogo campaign ( right now, you can not only get in line for the “WIFISCIFI – LIVE IN SEATTLE” digital album

— but you can also get, for your very own, the bonus episodes of all six shows that we created just for the Indiegogo campaign!
Yes— we not only committed to creating all-new content for the live show, all six podcasts have already written, performed, and recorded exclusive episodes of their shows, available only to members of WiFiSciFi who joined via the Indiegogo campaign!

So you can join us to reserve tickets by becoming a member — or you can join us to get exclusive content!
So what are you waiting for? Join us now!